2010 Boys Return Home With New Perspective- Growing Up The DME Way
August 12, 2024
The 2010 Boys team returned from a 3 day training weekend in Daytona at the Mothership. Coach John Taylor had the boys keenly focused on fitness, soccer IQ & a new level of toughness not seen with this team in the past. The new additions to the team proved vital in creating a new culture for these talented players. The future is very bright for this team as the boys chase their “next level” goals at DME.
On The Field Training:
5 sessions over three days on the most beautiful field in Florida. The boys worked on positioning, speed of play, making the right decisions on the ball and taking advantage of wing space and the speed of the team.
Off The Field Training:
The boys hit the gym, played Futsal and competed in the Fitness tests where their Summer Training Program was put to the test. Th two tests (Yo-Yo Test and Bronco Test) are done by Collegiate and Professional programs. Overall the group did well and got a taste for the next level of expectations. The results and rankings of the fitness test were shared across the team for accountability and improvement. Being NOT FIT is unacceptable and detrimental to the strength of the pack.
Beyond the game:
The boys worked on their Culture Model during our time there. At first the boys were having mishaps but after some great learning experiences they were acting more professional. By the end of the trip the boys would greet and say goodbye to all teammates/staff without the staff having to say anything, making beds and cleaning their room, organizing equipment before and after training, cleaning the dishes after dinner, and overall being a great representation for the club and their family. We will continue to push high team standards on and off the field.
“I asked the group who wanted to play Collegiate soccer or Professional soccer and all the players raised their hands. I wanted to give them a taste of what a true pre-season feels like so when they take the next step they are prepared and crush it. Due to all the boys expressing their dream to play at the next level they will be held to the same standards those athletes are held to.” Coach JT
“Thank you for a great preseason camp. Christian enjoyed it from the social aspect, the training facilities and coaching staff. He loved the high level of training, the players and how the coaches coached.” Xavier, Parent
“Thank you, Coaches, Chef Rich, for taking such good care of our boys. It sounds like this weekend was a great success.” Demetri, Parent