2025/26 League Plan - Boys Program


The Stage Is Set For DME

The MLS NEXT recently announced a new competition tier that will increase the number of clubs in MLS NEXT and deepen the overall pool of players and coaches. Starting in September 2025, the expanded tier of MLS NEXT will be managed by leading league operators across the youth landscape with a strong commitment to player development. The operators will follow mandated program guidelines and technical standards set by MLS NEXT to ensure a high-quality product. Operators will include the National Academy League (NAL) operated by 3Step Soccer, Elite Academy League (EAL), Sporting Development League (SDL), Cobalt Sports, and Cal North Soccer Association.

Read the press release here! 

How Will It Work at DME?

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Due to the numbers of tryout registrations and our success to date, the boys program is BOOMING. We will offer NAL and EAL leagues next season for our top player pool (25 players). Additionally we will have access to leagues like NPL and Sunshine for our next level (lower) teams ensuring localized competition for the players that need more development time but still demand a competitive environment.

Roster decisions based on NAL and EAL league play will be based on performance, attendance, attitude and effort and matchups. This competitive environment will raise the level of play of our athletes for black and blue player pools.

National Academy League - DME Academy Black Teams

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The National Academy League Program is a boys' national league, and offers players the opportunity to compete against some of the most competitive clubs in the country.  At U13 and above, the League is now affiliated with the new competition tier associated with and lead by the MLS. The same administrators now run MLS2 and NAL and the league partners are inclusive. The pathway to the MLS is now achievable via this collaboration, and the goal of DME Academy in 2025/26.  

Elite Academy League - DME Academy Blue Teams

The Elite Academy League is composed of member clubs that represent Elite competitive clubs in their market and have shown to be of the standard and will benefit from being part of this platform. Similar to the NAL, the league boasts a national platform and showcase circuit. It too is associated with the MLS new tier of competition and provides pathways to the top!

Other Leagues and Competition Plans

That We Have Access To:




Both the EA and NAL will now focus on Florida travel only. Previously, the EA had teams traveling to Georgia for games. This will not be the case in 25/26

We expect to field both Black and Blue teams across 2013-2007/08 age groups in 2025/26. 

If we are not able to do so, we will create larger player pools and assign games to players based on performance, need, skill, attitude and effort. It is possible to play both NAL and EA games for said player with fluidity. 

Competition is good. 

Tryouts begin in April and end the first week of May.

To get on the tryout list, go here! 


It is possible that we will have a PRE-EA for 2014 and 2015 age bands, we are waiting on league decisions. 

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