DME Brings On Evolving Athletes To Lead Mindset Performance Training


"For players to reach their full potential, they must make mental conditioning an integral part of their training regimen.  By increasing awareness, harnessing your instincts, developing the right habits, and conditioning your mind, you will reach peak performance as an athlete and a person."  - Vinny Malts

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What To Expect

You will become more conscious about how your thoughts, feelings, energy, and actions create the conditions and probabilities for what you can achieve.

How improved focus, positive self-talk & emotion management helps you increase your performance under pressure, helps you recover from making a mistake, and avoid self-sabotage.

How the power of positive self-visualization and goal-setting create enhanced confidence, resiliency, in-moment relaxation & heightened motivation to achieve your perfect flow state.

Advice and guidance on issues that may arise, such as relationships with coaches, balancing school & sports participation, transitioning through age groups, embracing the college recruiting process, coping with expectations, balancing personal & professional needs.

Meet Coach Vinny

 Former professional hockey player and coach, Vinny Malts has trained with top leaders in mental development, and some of the best thinkers and strategists in the world of hockey, to develop his training program.  As a mental performance coach for the NHL, the Indy Fuel of the ECHL, keynote speaker for the USHL combine, and presenter for USA Hockey Level 4 coaches education seminars, and with thousands of satisfied athletes across all sports, it’s no wonder that Vinny as been named the “player whisperer” for his work in the mental conditioning field for youth and professional atheltes.


What DME Athletes Can Expect in 24/25